Grant Proposal: CoW DAO Dune Governance Dashboard

Grant Title:

CoW DAO Dune Governance Dashboard


@bleu @yvesfracari @ribeirojose @mendesfabio

About You:

bleu collaborates with companies and DAOs as a web3 technology and user experience partner. We’re passionate about bridging the experience gap we see in blockchain and web3.

Additional Links:

Our work for CoW so far:

  • [CoW] AMM Deployer: a Safe app to deploy new CoW AMM pools from a Safe Wallet.
  • [CoW] CoW Hooks dApps (ongoing): a set of hooks dapps to (to be launched) CoWSwap Hooks Store. Also, we helped the CoWSwap team to develop the store focusing mainly on the hooks simulation feature.
  • [CoW] Python SDK (ongoing): we’re helping CoW put together a Python SDK to provide for developers for query on-chain data, managing orders, and integrating with the CoW Protocol’s smart contracts.
  • [CoW] Stop-Loss: a Safe app UI to allow for multisig wallets to fully manage stop-loss orders.
  • [CoW] Have I been MEV’d: a suite of bots and a web application integrated with the ZeroMEV API to inform the Web3 community about potential MEV losses.

Besides CoW’s previous grants, we already developed a Dune Dashboard related to the state of Aave liquidations on Optimism. Also, Fabio (bleu co-founder and project’s advisor) is the Head of Data at Balancer Labs - check out @metacrypto on Dune.

Grant Category:

User interface and user experience (UI/UX)

Grant Description:

This proposal aims to develop a governance analytics dashboard for CoW DAO using Dune (demo and mockup here). The project addresses the current challenge of scattered governance information by consolidating key metrics into a single, user-friendly interface as mentioned in this RFP. The dashboard will serve as a centralized hub for tracking and visualizing CoW DAO’s governance activities, focusing on four main areas:

  1. High-Level Governance Metrics
  2. Proposal Metrics
  3. Voting Analytics
  4. Delegation Tracking

To achieve this we will be using the Shots Tables from the Dune Community Data to find all snapshot-related data (votes, proposals, etc). Regarding the delegation data, we have already send the snapshot delegation contract to Dune decoding. All information will be first preprocessed and consolidated into views to be consumed by our visualizations, here are the views that we developed by the demo: snapshot proposals, snapshot views and delegations (wip).

Grant Goals and Impact:

This project aims to make CoW DAO governance metrics more transparent and accessible by creating a comprehensive analytics dashboard. By consolidating key metrics like voting patterns, proposal outcomes, and delegation activities into a single interface, the dashboard will enable community members to make better-informed governance decisions and track participation trends effectively.


Milestone Due Date Payment (10k xDAI + 10k COW vested)
High-Level Governance and Proposal Metrics 1 week 2.5k xDAI + 2.5k COW vested
Voting Analytics 1 week 2.5k xDAI + 2.5k COW vested
Delegation Tracking 1 week 2.5k xDAI + 2.5k COW vested
Review and feedback 1 week 2.5k xDAI + 2.5k COW vested

High-Level Governance Metrics (1 week)

  • Total amount of proposals already vote
  • Total of unique all-time voters
  • Percentage of active and non-active voting power.

Proposal Metrics (1 week)

  • Provide detailed CIP tracking with chronological overview, including proposal result and quorum status
  • Overview of all proposals states (passed, rejected, on voting, etc)
  • Number of proposals voted over time.

Voting Analytics (1 week)

  • Track unique voting addresses per proposal
  • Participation over time considering total and individual votes.
  • Visualize votes of individual addresses or CIP.
  • Current distribution of the voting power using Gini index.

Delegation Tracking (1 week)

  • List of all delegates and their voting power
  • Total of voting power delegated over time
  • Percentage of delegated voting power actively participating in governance (per proposal)
  • Percentage of active delegates (per proposal)

We propose that milestone payments be released upon each milestone’s approval.

Budget Breakdown:

The budget includes the hourly rates of a developer during the execution and a project manager on a need basis. The xDAI part of the budget shall be paid after each milestone’s completion and the COW shall be vested over 1 year to cover diluted maintenance and related costs for the same period.

Gnosis Chain Address (to receive the grant):


Other Information:

  • All the code will be open-source from day 0. We’re open to feedback;
  • We’re happy to answer any questions and are open to feedback about this proposal;
  • Once this dashboard is done it should be migrated to CoW’s Dune org for better discoverability;
  • To explore the viability of this proposal and give a glimpse of what we’re envisioning, we developed a PoC of the dashboard here which we plan to work on should we get this grant.
    • this PoC already comprises four modules, with the following data:
      • Aggregated Governance Metrics:
        • Total proposals
        • Unique voters
      • Proposals:
        • List of proposals + aggregated data (e.g. proposals by month, by state)
      • Voting:
        • Aggregated participation over time
      • Delegation:
        • List of delegators (WIP)
    • aspirationally, we also included the following:
      • Aggregated Governance Metrics:
        • Active vs non-active voting power
      • Voting:
        • Voting Power Distribution
        • Votes list with voter address (or ENS name) and proposal filter
      • Delegation:
        • Percentage of active delegates (per proposal)
        • Total of voting power delegated over time
        • Percentage of delegated voting power actively participating in governance (per proposal)

Terms and Conditions:

By submitting this grant application, I acknowledge and agree to be bound by the CoW DAO Participation Agreement and the CoW Grant Terms and Conditions.


Thanks for the proposal, Bleu team - and for being the first submitters :pray:
I really like the demo included.

Looks really good to me. I want to bring this to the attention of the committee to also take a look.

As it’s based on an RFP, we should give some time for more proposals to come in (I think many are delayed due to Devcon).


Hi bleu team -

Again, thanks for your proposal.

I had a chance to discuss with the committee today and they are favouring your approach.
Just a couple of things we’d like to clarify before suggesting to move to voting:


  1. With the launch of the delegation part, may the delegation metrics be a bit more extensive:
  • Ideally some metrics available by delegate (find a delegate by address or ENS to see their participation over time and how they voted) + their voting power (historically over time). Could you include this in your current funding scope?
  • Ideally include their delegate information (I believe there is a Dune table available for this?)
  1. Would you be able to include (in the current cost scope) also the possibility for a delegator to past their address and see whom they have delegated to (and any changes over time, if possible)?

3. Would the Dune dashboard be such that it can long-term live within the CoW Protocol dashboards (all open queries?) or would you be able to maintain this for some time?

I also assume that the review and feedback cycle allows for some changes + clarifications and possibly another couple of queries.

4. The amount of cow vesting was soft-approved from my verbal discussion, but the request would be that the total amount is attached to the final milestone and be seen as a bonus to the project (not spread out over the milestones).

Happy to take your feedback :pray:

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Thanks @c3rnst and the grant committee for the trust.

About the questions:
1 - In my understanding, this data is needed to build our already proposed metrics, so we can include it. About the delegate information, what kind of information are you thinking on?
2- Yes, this is possible.
3- All the developed work (including Dune queries) will be open source and can be included to the CoW Protocol dashboards. About maintenance, we included 1 year maintenance on the current scope, if any maintenance is required after that period we can create a new grant for that.
4- Yes this is ok! This vesting aims to fund the maintenance, so it is ok to be created after the project’s conclusion.

With these alignments, can we move the proposal for snapshot voting?


Pending clarification on additional metrics etc, I think the grant looks solid and signal my willingness to support the grant’s transition to snapshot.

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Support the proposal. Let’s get this to snapshot

great, I think this clarifies. Would also love to see this go to Snapshot (with the milestone & funding clarification update your provided) :slight_smile:

Please make sure to actually link the Participation Agreement and T&Cs

Thanks! Moved to snapshot here:

@c3rnst could you clarify what kind of information you think would be nice to see of the delegators? So I can to check if there are available on Dune or not

@c3rnst could you clarify what kind of information you think would be nice to see of the delegators? So I can to check if there are available on Dune or not

If I delegate to X, I’d like to go to a place (on Dune likely paste my address) and see who I’ve currently delegated to.
On the old Snapshot UI this exists on Snapshot (your delegations)
On the new UI, I cannot see whom I have delegated to.
Nice feature: I can click on my delegate and see their voting stats.

If I changed my delegation over time, that would be nice to see as well…

Hey team - it’s been a while since you got accepted by the committee. Awesome!

Hey, as I’m reviewer of this grant, let me know if you have more questions. I’m not available until early Jan, so let’s reconnect then.

One sidenote:
would be handy if we can see if a delegate has 10k COW or vCOW for voting in their own wallet.

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Hey @c3rnst , thanks for your engagement. Let me reply in topics:

If I delegate to X, I’d like to go to a place (on Dune likely paste my address) and see who I’ve currently delegated to.

Yes, we can add delegation tables were you can see who you have delegated to.

Nice feature: I can click on my delegate and see their voting stats.

What kind of stats do you think that would be relevant? I imagine that a votes table and percentage of participation might be useful, right? I think that this should be all accessible thought the “Votes” sections of the dashboard.

as I’m reviewer of this grant, let me know if you have more questions. I’m not available until early Jan, so let’s reconnect then.

For now, we don’t have questions. We will kick off the project on the next week and then some questions might come up. I think that we can send them here and then you reply when you are back.

would be handy if we can see if a delegate has 10k COW or vCOW for voting in their own wallet.

Do you mean separate delegated vs own voting power on the delegation table? Agree that this is useful and we can include it.

Again, thanks for your participation. Once we start the project we will send more questions and parts of the dashboard for review.

We want to share the progress we’ve made on the CoW DAO Governance Dashboard over the past few weeks. We’ve implemented most of the planned features across four main sections: proposals, voting, delegations, and delegate analysis. Each section has a brief description about it in the dashboard.
One area we’re looking to improve is voting power distribution metrics. Currently, it includes all addresses holding COW tokens, including CEX accounts and DEX contracts that won’t participate in governance. We’re considering adjusting this to include only addresses that have submitted at least one vote.
Also, to enhance the delegate analysis UX, we’re thinking about moving this section to its own dedicated dashboard. This would make it more convenient for users to explore different delegates’ voting patterns and their voting power composition. Note a Dune account for (re)running such analysis.
Please play around with the dashboard and let us know what you think about these suggestions - and any other ideas you might have!


This is really great work @bleu. Is it possible to add the Grants data into this dashboard?


Hi Bleu team - thanks so much!

→ I wouldn’t do this with the following reason: If you don’t show (big) token holder due to inactivity, maybe a potential voting thread can’t be seen or analysed. Anyone who potentially can vote, should be on.

  • What could enhance any visibility is maybe a flag “active” / “inactive”?
  • What about tagging some large token holders wallets?
  • (currently the query doesn’t show, btw, it says “Missing x-axis”).

Some other notes:

  • Would you be able to add a time selector (e.g. 2024)

On Delegation:

  • On delegation, my biggest input is that most of current delegates are “private” (in the sense that someone might have delegated to their own EOA or a friend for easy voting).
  • → Would it be somehow possible to show “recognised” delegates that have been approved, OR maybe much simpler: those that have a statement on snapshot are shown separately?
  • I like your suggestion to explore moving this to a separate dashboard to make it easier
  • Love the link that takes you directly to the delegate’s snapshot page!
  • Maybe the vote distribution emojis you use in the delegate section can also be used in the main overview, so it’s a bit clearer? I think you have: voted yes, voted no, abstained (actively). Maybe the diff can be shown as a “no-vote”?
  • Something is off: I would expect that Voting Power = Delegated Power + Wallet Power ?

+1 on Netrunner’s point: what of having something for GrantsDAO (the voting + delegation will be much easier), but a few tiles as an overview (would this add a lot of scope to your project, let’s discuss first?)?

I’ll deep dive some more but looks already really neat, thank you!


Have another idea, let me know if it’s easy and your thoughts:

  • Adding an action/active section at the very top: If there is currently something in voting there is a highlighted section at the top?

Thanks @bleu for the update, the progress is great!

Do we have the queries on github so we have version control and can better visibility and maintainability?

Wanted to also note a small issue, as the dashboard says 100% of proposals had passed quorum, but in fact there was one proposal that failed:


Hey bleu :slight_smile:

I think one big thing is missing:

  • Where do I go to see who I delegated to? → I’d like to come to this (or the delegation dashboard), enter my own address and see what delegation I have currently set (ideally also the past).



Hey team - wanted to check in what the status is after the initial commenting? I have some time next week and could do a thorough review. Let me know what’s best :slight_smile:


Hey we’d been waiting to collect some feedback and now are working on it - everything should be resolved by the EOW. It would be great if you could set some time next week for a detailed review!


Hiiii, thank you!! Some feedback on my parts, let me know your thoughts:

  • Is “Active Voting Power” the percentage of COW that has voted over total supply?
    • Maybe we would call this “Vote Activity”?
    • I wouldn’t neglect the fact that the “power” is also with non-voters
  • In “Proposals Summary” (though I updated the queries), I don’t see the ones in voting
  • The link to “CoW DAO Delegation” thats below on the gov dashboard (just above the delegation section) links to a wrong link - 404
  • How did you calculate COW circulating supply?
  • What’s the CoW Circulating Supply on the “Delegated Tokens” absolute amount metrics?

  • I think the biggest question I have is how to differentiate between “delegates” that are private or have delegated to their own EOA and Delegates that are keen for public vote delegation (and are part of the delegation program)
    • I think maybe we can show the ones as “non-private” that have a Snapshot Statement? As a good way to differentiate?
    • Maybe this can be a flag with a checkbox: “Show all”, “Show with statement”
  • CoW DAO - Active Delegates “Active delegators”
    • Is vote on the latest proposal (that closed, I assume), a bit too restrictive? Maybe we can say on any of the latest 3 proposals (and still consider them active)?
    • You could make this query a bit more prominent, it gives a lot of info?
      • Maybe adding “the link takes you to their Snapshot Profile”
      • Maybe the “activity” definition can also be switched off, to show all delegates (like is done on snapshot page)
  • Active DelegationsCoW DAO - Delegate Breakdown
    • This was at first unclear to me that it’s shown for the picked delegate
      • Maybe it can be re-arranged better to show what is displayed for the delegate selected? Like another separator as you do for “Delegator”?
      • “Voting power in wallet” is really useful → Could we make this it’s own column in the overview query?
      • On one specific delegate, I’d be interested to see specifically how they voted over the past 10 proposals
  • Delegator metrics is not working: I am pasting my address and it says “Delegation history” - no results from query

Remaining notes:

  • No comment on the Grant Dashboard
  • How about an activity tracker at the top for proposals live?
  • Will this update automatically if more chains are added to the voting strategies?