Grant Proposal: CoW DAO Dune Governance Dashboard

Hey - also adding here a mistake I found:

Could you please check the correctness of the delegators on your dashboard?
On Snapshot, I’ve checked the top 5 rows of delegates (based on voting power) here:

and the number of delegates does not match what you have on your
CoW DAO - Active Delegates

hey @bleu @mendesfabio @yvesfracari
the payout meeting is coming up this week, with payouts likely happening first week of February. Do you want the first three milestones included (with the last one open until review/feedback is finalised)?

Thanks for your input/request,

Yes, that sounds great! And thanks for the feedback - we’ll go through it this week.


Hey - thanks!

Adding to the point that all delegates (no matter how “active” should be shown), also adding that we don’t yet have a query that shows WHO delegated to a specific delegate. Could you please add?

Do you have a date for the finalisation - as we’re considering a wider distribution of this, we should have an accurate dashboard to share


done - changed it to show all delegates and the definition is simply addresses that have received COW or vCOW delegation. Who has delegated to a specific delegate has already been added - do you think we should change title or add description to make it clearer?

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Happy to discuss this one but what I envisioned as # of Delegators is the number of addresses that delegated COW. If you sort by Delegators on Snapshot you’ll find rabbitholegg.eth leading with almost 30k delegations but they never received a COW delegation nor ever voted in CoW proposals.

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CoW DAO Governance

  1. You’re right - changed title and added description;
  2. Fixed - you should see the active proposals at the moment;
  3. Fixed - links goes to the correct dashboard;
  4. Replicated Coingecko and CoW logic for Circulating Supply - took all minted tokens and subtracted CoW DAO, Gnosis DAO, and vested tokens.

CoW DAO Delegations

  1. Added an identifier for Recognized Delegates - what do you think? Happy to add a filter - although you can already do it by clicking on Recognized. As we talked in private, unfortunately we don’t have access to statements;

Active Delegates

  1. As mentioned in another comment, now it returns all Delegates (recognized or not) with tokens delegated in the CoW Snapshot space;
  2. What do you mean by making this query a bit more prominent? Since I added more columns, I increased the size of the table in the dashboard.

Delegator Section

  1. Added Wallet Power as a new column to the Delegates table;
  2. Fixed - Delegator Metrics should be returning results for your address;
  3. If you would like to analyze how your Delegate voted in the past proposals, I added the View Metrics button which reloads the previous section. I don’t think adding another table with delegate’s votes makes sense since you can delegate to 2 different users in different chains and that would be hard to handle.

Regarding remaining notes:

  • Added a Live Proposals section at the beginning of the dashboard to highlight active or pending proposals. Let me know what you think about it;
  • Unfortunately, it won’t automatically update once more chains are added, but queries are well-structured and supporting new chains won’t be hard - also it’s covered by maintenance costs.

Hey there @mendesfabio - thanks so much for all the revisions. I will take a thorough review today. Can already say that the active overview of ongoing proposals is fire :fire: and the “inspect” - view metrics for the delegates is fantastic!! Also thank you for adding other voting chains as maintenance costs.
Note that I might reach out from time to time to add some “recognised” delegates - a pity that we can’t automate, but likely after the initial round, there might not be too much fluctuation.

I just started and am focussing on the delegation dashboard for now (firstly: great idea with the “recognised”).
would you be able to add a link in the description:
[Recognized Delegates]( are identified with 🔹

Main comment so far (and that’s why I posted this already), I think something must be off with the Main Delegation Metrics:

  1. it shows different number of delegators vs. what Snapshot shows - but I think you explained that in this case it’s not a COW/vCOW delegation, but on another space - just confirming?
  2. How do you define: “active” delegator?
    3. check out the following Screenshots: Shouldn’t voting power always be the sum of all the delegated voting power?
    4. Shouldn’t the “# delegators” match the number of lines in “Active Delegations”?

I just checked the first 4, but none match for my points 3 & 4

Hey, remaining notes in Bulk:

Delegation Dashboard:

CoW DAO - Delegates

→ Which ones are not shown? Please can you add?

In “Delegate VotesCoW DAO - Votes by Delegate

  • Can you please add if there are pending proposals and IF the delegate has already voted - this is particularly important to see if a delegator would want to override their vote (ideally with your emoji for :ballot_box: “in voting/active”)

Active Delegations

  • How do you define this?
  • Maybe we can say “Current Delegators”?
  • I am unsure if we want to keep it in the end for privacy reasons (I know it’s public and it’s great to check the correctness of the queries - I’ll think about it)

Delegations HistoryCoW DAO - Delegator Breakdown

  • I think here it only shows the current delegation? Let’s not over-complicate, I think it’s Fine to just show the current delegation (unless previous delegations are easy to add). If you don’t add the past, maybe we can rename to “Active delegation set”?

Lastly: I’m missing a very simply chart how delegated tokens increased over time (without necessarily comparing to “circulating supply” - why? I want to see the success of the delegation program.

CoW Grants Dashboard:

  • Could you also add the active in voting overview?

Main Governance dashboard:

“Replicated Coingecko and CoW logic for Circulating Supply - took all minted tokens and subtracted CoW DAO, Gnosis DAO, and vested tokens.”

* Vested and unvested tokens can vote.
* CoW DAO subtraction is good
* Gnosis DAO could vote.
  • Let me get back to you on this one, but I think it should be different for voting. Circulating supply for voting purposes should (in my opinion), be taken from the entire possible voting amounts (vCOW and COW), disregarding different chains etc, so basically everything that’s not kept in the CoW DAO wallet?

  • Voting Power Distribution - CoW Voting Power

    • I don’t think this query is correct.
    • Firstly, could we here have the same input, but in a table (address + voting power)?
    • Many of the high-COW wallets are missing, eg. 0xca07EaA4253638D286caD71CBcEec11803F2709A or 0xa86f66e703cf776eaf4570d0a1ddb1ca0f471e82
  • Not sure how I read the Gini coefficient, do you have an explanation to add in the header?

  • Delegation sections:

What would make it a bit easier for gauging total COW voting power (and to see that in relation to the quorum), would be to have an additional table that shows all cow+vcow addresses with the voting-sum and then one can de-select the top ones to not consider (e.g. gnosis DAO, treasury etc; they don’t need to be labelled) and then the sum is shown as “Total Voting Power Selected”?

I spent some time looking into Delegations and renaming some queries/titles as requested. There was a few edge-cases around delegates without delegators, delegates that don’t hold COW, delegations across Snapshot spaces, etc. Every Recognized Delegates is displayed in the table and there’s a link to the Forum in the description. I will have to dig more into the Circulating Supply as there’s something off specifically with vCOW balances

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Hey team -

can you please take a look at the Dashboard. On Friday, Tané received a new delegation. I waited for it to update + refreshed (three days later) and the Dune doesn’t show.

Hi Team

Just did a final review of the three dashboards, also adding a few things from above, if you could comment if they’re not feasible, that would also be great, so we can finalise it:

  • Main Dashboard: On Voting Power LeaderboardCoW Voting Power (All) → Are you using the original addresses (without delegation) or attributing delegated tokens to the addresses? I think probably we’d want both, in separate queries: a) how is the power right now with delegations factored in. And then b): who has the ultimate power (without delegations).
  • Main Dashboard: Kind of missing a detailed voting overview by proposal → like this on Snapshot
  • Delegation Dashboard: I wasn’t able to check right now as we have no live proposal, but can you confirm that you show votes from delegates in Delegate VotesCoW DAO - Votes by Delegate also for ongoing proposals (yes, no, not yet voted)?
  • Delegation Dashboard: Would we be able to have one simple chart, over time: Delegated tokens (i.e. how many tokens were delegated over time, not drilled down by delegate, but on aggregate level)?
  • On Grants: Could you add a section for ongoing votes?
  • General comment: Can you comment what you use for circulating supply directly in the appropriate queries?

Hey folks! Just to summarize - we’ve already discussed and resolved all dashboard issues via Discord (thanks again @c3rnst for all feedback). For documentation purposes, here’s a recap of what’s been addressed recently:

Resolved Items

  1. Voting Power Leaderboard

  2. Detailed Voting Overview

  3. Votes by Delegate

    • Confirmed that delegate votes are properly displayed for ongoing proposals
  4. Delegated Tokens Over Time

  5. Grants: Ongoing Votes

    • This has been added (note Snapshot data updates with slight delay)
  6. Circulating Supply

    • Added descriptive comments to relevant queries as discussed
  7. Tané’s Delegation Issue

    • As we discovered in our Discord conversation, the delegation was briefly made to Tané before moving to Karpatkey 8 minutes later

Moving Forward

Since all requested changes have been implemented, we consider this project complete and request the final payment. We would like to emphasize we went beyond the initial scope and delivered additional dashboards and metrics not included in the original proposal, such as:

  • Grants DAO dashboard with proposal tracking and voting statistics
  • Delegate analysis including voting history and power breakdown
  • Delegations dashboard with detailed delegate analytics
  • Recognized Delegates tracking

Going forward, we’ll continue to:

  • Address any bugs that may arise
  • Keep Recognized Delegates up to date
  • Expand to new chains

It’s been amazing working on this project and we hope community finds the analytics valuable.

Thank you!


Hi @mendesfabio and Bleu team -

I agree that the grant is finalised - we had a lot of feedback cycles and all comments were addressed and incorporated - THANK YOU!

I’ll be putting the final payments forward in this end-of-month payment cycle. Note that the COW will be 1 year vested, so we can start the maintenance period (let’s do March through end of Feb 2026 - OK?). Can you alert us before you shut down any dashboard, so we can make sure to copy or do a new maintenance Grant :slight_smile:

Hope to see you again and thanks again for the wonderful Dashboards!