Core Contributor - Copywriter (September 2023 - February 2024)


hertzov.eth & “hertzov” in the CoW Discord

About You:

I am applying for a grant from the CoW DAO to perform copywriting & growth marketing services for CoW Protocol, the CoW Swap trading platform, and all social media and docs related to the Protocol, as well as assisting with marketing strategy and creative ideation alongside the marketing team. I have been working for CoW Protocol since March of 2023, however, in the spirit of decentralization, I would like to become a core contributor to the DAO directly.

I am requesting funding in a 6-month cadence, modeled after previous core contributors, and paid out monthly by the DAO. The initial period would start on September 1, 2023 and end on February 29th, 2024.

My work experience includes extensive marketing services for a variety of technology companies both in web2 and web3. I have led content writing and community management efforts for DAOs, blockchain startups, and web3 newsletters since my initial involvement in crypto in 2021. Prior to this, I was a digital media buyer for web2 startups, enterprises, and commercial brands.

My contributions to CoW Protocol up to this point include:

  • Content writing and strategy for the MEV Blocker website
  • Authoring a number of in-depth articles and explainers for the CoW Protocol blog:
    • How CoW Swap Solves the MEV Problem
    • CoW Swap for DAOs
    • What is a Sandwich Attack and How Can You Protect Yourself
    • What are CoWs on CoW Swap?
  • Authoring feature launch announcements:
    • CoW Swap Improves the Limit Order Experience with Partially Fillable Limit Orders
    • Tally Recipe for CoW Swaps
    • CoW Hooks: You are in control!
    • Announcing CoW Swap Surplus Notifications
  • Authoring official press release materials that were adapted by media outlets such as The Block for major feature & partnership announcements:
    • Ethereum projects come together on MEV Blocker RPC launch to share profits with users
    • Nexus Mutual diversifies $27.3 million into Rocket Pool ETH using CoW Swap
  • Assisting the Head of Marketing in managing over $100,000 in paid media spend by providing my input as a former paid media buyer
    • Writing five briefs for newsletter promotion through the MilkRoad newsletter
  • Reviewing all published user-facing written content

Grant Category

CoWmunity Growth

Grant Description

I'd like to continue my contributions to CoW Protocol and continue to work with the team (covered period: September 2023 - February 2024).

Grant Goals & Impact

The current initiatives I’m involved in include:
  • Reviewing and editing all published written materials including, but not limited to, the website, docs, release announcements, blog content, social media posts, and paid ads
  • Authoring SEO content for the CoW Protocol blog on content topics such as MEV (targeting a weekly cadence)
  • Writing copy and reviewing design materials for new website pages including a “Benefits of CoW Swap for DAOs” page and a “COW Token” information page
  • Compiling repeatable “content series” for social media content that serve as templates for highlighting the benefits of CoW Swap & MEV Blocker, Protocol announcements, and other product updates
  • Paid and organic promotion efforts
    • Managing the paid ads budget through weekly meetings with the marketing team and the Protocol’s retained paid media marketing agency
    • Meeting weekly with the Protocol’s retained SEO marketing agency to review written content and strategize on new articles
    • Investigating prospective marketing avenues with web3 influencers
    • Researching newsletters and podcasts for paid ad placements promoting CoW Protocol
    • Brainstorming organic media strategies through posts on Twitter, Discord, and creative promotion campaigns for CoW Swap
  • Representing the Protocol at in-person hackathons and conferences such as DappCon

I will devote at least 110 days each 6 calendar months to carrying out the Services specified.

I shall provide the Services to CoW DAO from September 1st to February 29th, 2024. To be actively renewed after the initial period through proposal and voting.


  • Continual progress toward the Grant Goals & Impact, as outlined above
  • Assisting the marketing team with ad-hoc initiatives, as specified by the Head of Marketing
  • Attending regular meetings with the marketing team & marketing partners

Funding Request

My fee is $6,250 (“Fee”) per month, inclusive of taxes.

Gnosis Chain Address


End of August addendum

As I plan to start working as a Core Contributor beginning August 29th, I’d like to request that this grant also include a one-time compensation period for the three days of August 29th, August 30th, and August 31st, totaling $604.83. This would cover the window of time after the end of my current contract and the beginning of my contribution as a Core Contributor through the Grants DAO for the 6 month period starting September 1st.


The grant has been discussed with CoW Protocol core team members, including @anna @fleupold

By submitting this grant application, I acknowledge and agree to be bound by the CoW DAO Participation Agreement and the CoW Grant Terms and Conditions.

By submitting this grant application, I acknowledge and agree to be bound by the applicable CoW DAO Core Contributor Grant Terms.


The discussion has been moved to Snapshot for voting: Snapshot