Introduce Yourself

CoWs Together strong!

Lets use this thread to give a quick intro to everyone in the CoWmunity!

I am Master CoW, I have been the community herder since launch. I am particularly excited to see how much the cow ecosystem has grown, how many users it has helped, and how many great individual its has gathered. Looking forward to everything thats next!



hello everyone, I am Domik20, I prefer to use Gnosis chain dapps in web3 space. After first gasless swap on Balancer I am exciting about CowSwap project


Hi there, I’m Ake a french dude passionate by DeFi (not an expert though, I’m still learning, and I’d be happy to share with you guys).
Anyway I’m glad to be part of the Cowwwwmunity :cow: !
Hopefully we’ll have good conversations altogether in the future.


Yo yo yo! I’m HecktadaVCOWkollecta! Not your average degenerate but a degen x9000 on steroids! I’m an active swapper on Gnosis (not baller enough for ETH swaps yet) and Cowmunity member. I’m looking forward to voting on the first proposals, I’m happy to be here and look forward to meeting the rest of you nerds! I’m also on the twatter @hecktada lets build this Cowmunity! Cows together strong!


Hey guys, I’m excited to be here. I’m a heavy user of Cow Swap on Ethereum and I’m hoping to contribute to the future of the DAO.


cowswap user for last 7 months. I route ~90% of my trades through cowswap. From an end-user ease of use perspective it’s the best experience for me.

Hope to see more order types and features rolled out in the future and be a part of change going forward.


Hi there, I am @netrunner.eth

I’ve been in the crypto space before Ethereum existed (wow, I’m old) and helped many projects since. CowSwap is an amazing project. I am helping out here as an active member of the CowDAO community.

Some successful proposals I have created are:

:cow2: CIP-5: Enable Swapping of vCOW to COW
:cow2: CIP-4: COW liquidity incentive program
:cow2: CIP-3: Trading Fee Discounts for COW holders

I am particularly proud of these Proposals as they have allowed the community to redeem their COW tokens, created the liquidity necessary for trading, and provided the token some initial utility.

I look forward to seeing CowDAO grow and where I can help! :man_genie:

If you see me over on Discord come say hello!


HI cowfriends! I am Laitman and i am here for the long term.
Still big fan of CowSwap! :black_heart:


hi everyone,
this is shekhar. I have been using gasless cowswap since its started. quite interesting


Nice to meet y’all ! I’m Billion been using Gnosis & Cow Protocol a LOT :slight_smile:


hello cowian.i am morteza and i am happy to be one of members of here


Nice to meet you all, I’m nazaroto (props if you get the portmanteau ⬡).
I’ve been loving the seamless, gasless trades on CowSwap for the past few months and its clear to me this is one of the strongest projects in the space. I’d love to be a part of the brilliant Cowmunity to help keep driving this revolution forward.
:cow: :fist:


Good morning everyone


Hello herd! I’m Friederike and I’m excited about trading MEV protected :eyes:


Sup Fam! Im happy to be here and stoked to receive my early Investor NFT. Looking forward to the Future of CoW Protocol!


Hi! I am a crypto curious plant person. I was unable to succesfully verify on Discord so now I am here. I like cowswap’s function and branding and I want to learn more about the DEX that moos at me!


Hey there,

I have been crypto native since 2017 and have been active in the Dex trading for a while now. cowswap has come across and very soothing experience for me with a fraction of the cost. I believe it has alot of potential and am looking forward to contribute in its growth and brand building. Looking forward to getting onboarded soon in marketing and growth related working groups.


gm CowDAO community!

My name is Lior and I’m leading the platform at collider ventures.
Collider and the team at collider are long fans of Cowswap, early users and recently we joined as investors at the latest fundraising round.

In alignment with the web3 narrative of “Value flows to those who create it”, Collider Platform is our vehicle to support portfolio companies after we invest in them and add value beyond our initial investment.

We have a special appreciation for this community, going back to the days some of us have been part of the early days of the DAO space as part of DAOstack team, and part of the movement launching dxDAO and early users of Omen, DutchX and Omen

In the past few weeks, we’ve been chatting with @middleway.eth to identify areas we can support the protocol. We came up with various ideas we would like to share here with the community in the coming weeks.

Our focus is to to help grow the DAO, increase the brand awareness and drive for user base growth.

On top of the forum, we open a telegram chat to allow anyone from this community that is interested to participate to join and be part of the conversation.

Looking forward to fruitful collaboration!

About collider

Collider is a venture fund dedicated to investing in the future of the internet, blockchain, web3, and decentralization technologies. We actively invests in digital assets and early-stage startups to support the next generation of companies, protocols, and products that are building the digital native economy. Our team is composed of web3 professionals that have been contributing to various protocols and DAO’s, with years of prior experience in venture capital, private equity, legal, finance and community building.

We help bootstrap networks and projects by putting our capital and assets to work. We take a hands-on approach with most companies we work with, from designing token economics, helping with hiring and business development or by participating in the community we invest in.


Yes, committee, I mean a lot in this field for now. I am following you. I’m the shepherd’s assistant :smiley:


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