Grant Title
Grant Application - ZeroMEV Infrastructure Maintenance and Support
Github: z-eeshan
Experiences and qualifications:
Zeeshan is an experienced DevOps engineer who has previously worked with PMCgoohan on ZeroMEV infrastructure maintenance and deployment. He has direct experience with the ZeroMEV stack including .NET services, PostgreSQL databases, and node management.
Grant Description
This grant covers the deployment, maintenance, and technical support of the open-sourced ZeroMEV infrastructure on CoW Protocol-hosted servers. ZeroMEV provides essential MEV data services to the Ethereum community, enhancing transparency around MEV activities.
The scope includes:
- Deploying all ZeroMEV components on CoW-hosted infrastructure:
- Extractor service for block/transaction timing
- Classifier service for MEV analysis
- Website and API servers
- Four PostgreSQL databases (mev_inspect, extractor, mevweb, zmapi)
- Providing ongoing maintenance and support
- Ensuring system reliability and performance
- Coordinating with community node providers if needed for global distribution
Technical infrastructure includes:
- .NET 8 core components
- Node.js API scripts
- PostgreSQL databases
- PostgREST API layer
- Integration with Ethereum nodes
The grant will enable continuous operation of ZeroMEV’s services while transitioning to community-maintained infrastructure, benefiting both CoW Protocol users and the broader Ethereum ecosystem through enhanced MEV transparency.
Server Requirements
Server for .NET Components:
- 2vCPU
- 80GB Storage
Database Server: All databases are expected to fit on a server with the following requirements
- 1-2 TB Storage
- 16GB RAM
- Average CPU
MEV Inspect Setup Requirements: Specific requirements and adjustments needed for MEV inspect setup are described in the ZeroMEV Github repository.
Milestone 1 Specifics:
- Initial deployment and setup of all ZeroMEV components
- Configure and test all four databases
- Complete system testing
- Expected time: 10 hours Funding: $900
Milestone 2-6 Specifics:
- Monthly system maintenance and support
- Monitor system health and performance
- Address any issues that arise
- Coordinate with node providers if needed
- Document deployment process (If hours left)
- Set up monitoring and maintenance procedures (If hours left)
- Create maintenance documentation (If hours left)
- Expected time per month: Up to 10 hours
- Funding per month: $350
Total funding: $2,650 for up to 60 support hours.
6 months from the date of successful passing of the proposal on Snapshot.
Type of Grant
Time-based grant with monthly milestones
Funding Request
Total: $2,650 (in xDAI)
- $900 for the first month ( For Initial Setup)
- $350 per month for 5 months
- Up to 10 hours of support work per month (60 hours total)
- Rate justified by technical expertise required and critical nature of infrastructure
2500 COW tokens In the event of successful completion of the grant vested over six months period
Gnosis Chain Address (to receive the grant)
Other Information
All server costs and node access will be provided by CoW Protocol.
Terms and Conditions
By submitting this grant application, I acknowledge and agree to be bound by the CoW DAO Participation Agreement and the CoW Grant Terms and Conditions.