Grant application: Trading View for Cow Swap

Grant Title:
Trading View for Cow Swap


About You:
Nma : Developer in web2 since 2006. I mainly work on PHP, Java JEE, Node JS environments. For a year, I have been interested in DeFi. I participated in several hackathons and grants to train myself in web3.

My previous achievement:

An alternative frontend for the Balancer protocol

Additional Links:
Github user : nma100

Grant Category:
User interface and user experience (UI/UX)

Grant Description:
The goal is to add a Trading view UI chart on the cow swap interface
Precisely it is to integrate the Advanced Real - Time Chart Widget.

It will be inserted to the left of the swap block.

A toggle button will allow you to switch from a simple to advanced display (with/without chart).

To achieve this evolution, I will fork the cowswap UI, and create a pull request

Grant Goals and impact:
User interface enrichment


Milestone 1 :
Realization of a prototype of the interface including the tradingview chart with static data.

Milestone 2 :
Delivery of the final working version with chart data updated in real time.

Grant Timeline:
The project should last about 4 months.

Funding Request:
12000 xDAI + 100000 COW

Budget Breakdown:
Milestone 1 : 6000 xDAI + 50000 COW

Milestone 2 : 6000 xDAI + 50000 COW

Gnosis Chain Address :



Terms and conditions:
By applying for this grant, I agree to be bound by the CowDAO Participation Agreement 2 and the COWDAO Grant Terms and Conditions 4.

It certainly looks interesting. I have reservations however regarding the costs proposed relative to the expected ROI. I would like to know how you came to the proposed figures?

I estimate the workload to be 10 weeks for a full-time person (Study + Development + Testing).
At the current COW price, this results in a cost of $19K for 2.5 months of work, which is $7.6K per month.

IMO, this grant is missing:

  1. A clear value proposition for how this will increase engagement / utilization of CoW Protocol. Some volume based incentive would ensure more appropriate incentive alignment.
  2. How the data for these charts will be determined. What data source etc?
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The main purpose is to enable users to quickly and easily visualize real-time price movements, facilitating informed decision-making.

The chart data comes from DEX and CEX. To find the list of data sources used, you can visit the widget’s page (Settings / Default symbol):