Core Contributors Expense Reimbursement Program

Grant Title:
Core Contributors Expense Reimbursement Program


About You:
Grants committee member and CoW Team member.

Additional Links:

Grant Category:
Operational Support

Grant Description:
This proposal aims to set up a structured reimbursement system for core contributors of the CoW DAO. We propose a 12-month funding schedule, ending in January 2025 (aligning with the Grants Program tram), with a monthly budget of $1,500 dedicated to covering the contributors’ operational expenses. The first payment allowance will be increased to $3,000 to address accumulated reimbursements retroactively. This program enhances financial efficiency without the need for public disclosure of individual expenses, thereby maintaining privacy and simplifying administration. Expenses exceeding the monthly budget will require a separate grant proposal. This funding ensures that contributors can focus on their roles without financial hindrance, promoting the growth and effectiveness of the CoW Protocol ecosystem.

As a clarification, every expense reimbursement request will be reviewed by the committee individually. The budget represent the upper limit of this program’s reimbursements, but might very well not be used in full, depending on expense reimbursements requests.


Milestone Due Date Payment
Retroactive and Initial Funding Setup Month 1 $3,000
Monthly Reimbursement Cycles Monthly $1,500 each month

Milestone 1 Description:
Establish the funding mechanisms and process the initial payouts, including retroactive reimbursements. Set up internal review protocols to manage and audit fund allocation effectively.

Milestone 2 Description:
Continue monthly reimbursement cycles, ensuring all expenses are justified and align with the scope of the approved budget. Adapt processes based on operational feedback and needs throughout the grant period.

Funding Request:
A total budget of $19,500 is requested, starting with an initial payment of $3,000 to cover retroactive expenses followed by regular monthly disbursements of $1,500 for the duration of the 12-month term.

Budget Breakdown:

  • $3,000 for the first month to cover accumulated reimbursements.
  • $1,500 monthly for direct reimbursement of ongoing contributor expenses.
  • Administration and internal review processes to ensure appropriate use of funds.

Gnosis Chain Address (to receive the grant):
Funds will be accounted for in the Grants Program budget but will remain in the Grants Program Safe until reimbursements are required.
The Grants committee will share high level information about the usage of funds in the next Grants Program renewal CIP.

Other Information:
This program is crucial for maintaining the high engagement and productivity of core contributors by alleviating financial burdens related to their roles.


Terms and Conditions:
By submitting this grant application, I acknowledge and agree to be bound by the CoW DAO Participation Agreement and the CoW Grant Terms and Conditions. In addition to the CoW DAO Participation Agreement and the CoW Grant Terms and Conditions, applicants must adhere to the Completion Timeline Clause.


Thanks for writing this proposal, sounds good to me, it will be a great and effective way to handle potential contributors expenses.

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