Hasu: Introduction as Delegate

  • Name: Hasu
  • Wallet Address: 0x43f0c06507EF340250CB7d4A5afB8201453251ed
  • Telegram Username: @hasufly
  • Twitter: @hasufl
  • Amount of COW Tokens intended for Self-Delegation: 2.7M vCOW

Expertise and Experience:

Strategy lead at Flashbots, with lots of experience in the MEV and trading landscape. One of the earliest investors and supporters of Cowswap.


I want to help Cowswap become the best trading venue in crypto and popularize frequent batched auctions as a mechanism.

Conflict of Interest:



Are you checking if someone reads this? :rofl:

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Cool to see you here, Hasu!
Would love to add you to the Recognized Delegate Scheme: Recognised Delegates Scheme
If you have a minute, would also be great if you want to include your statement on Snapshot, or a link to this post (it’s where people go straight to delegate and we encourage to delegate only to those with a public statement, also to make clear they are not “private” delegates):

Hi Hasu - could you add a link to the intro or copy the intro to your Snapshot profile: https://snapshot.box/#/s:cow.eth/profile/0x4af84812e595B5B0997A457eb3d5Ad8a3C1F6A0B

It’s where people go to delegate ultimately… :raised_hands:

@Hasu it’s great to have you as a delegate, I think you can add meaningful knowledge and value to CoW DAO. I also understand why you mention conflict of interests given your relationship with Flashbots among others, I think it is important to acknowledge and have it out there.

I’ll be adding you to the recognized delegate list, and looking forward to seeing you involved in CoW DAO governance.