Grant Application: Quidli - CoW Integration

Grant Title:
Quidli - CoW Token Integration

Luke Vignal -

About the Quidli Team:
Justin Ahn - CEO
Previous experience: Helped launch high-growth e-commerce ventures in Southeast Asia, notably ZALORA & LAZADA Vietnam as EiR @ Rocket Internet
Role: Justin is the project coordinator

Guillaume Figielski - CTO
Previous experience: As blockchain engineer (incl. Solidity), launched ChainImpact, one of the first blockchain dev studios in France. Senior full-stack developer @ French multinationals including Airbus, Orange, and Peugeot.
Role: Guillaume oversees token integration and product management

Luke Vignal - Head of Business Dev
Previous experience: Account Manager @Zendesk, Ex-Forrester
Role: Will be in charge of the partnership coordination and marketing efforts

Titus Decali - UX Designer
Role: Titus will be in charge of the front-end development

Luis Marquez - Back End Dev
Role: Luis will be in charge of the Back-end development

Additional Links:
• Website:
• Twitter: @quidliprotocol
• Medium: quidli
• GitHub: quidli

Grant Category:
CoWmunity Growth

Grant Description:
Quidli is a micro on-ramp connecting Web 2.0 apps and web3 assets for you to embed crypto rewards and incentives into your collaboration workflows to boost participation and motivation. The app enables you to recognize your top contributors natively in your Slack and or Discord, and is mainly used today by community managers who want to leverage community engagement on social media. Quidli users include the community teams at ConsenSys, the NEAR Foundation, ETHDenver, OrangeDAO, iExec, Flare Network, Tezos Foundation and CELO.

To see what Quidli user journey look like: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

Here’s some key numbers we observed in 2022 on Quidli:

  • Nb of organizations: 1100+
  • Transaction volume: ~$2.4m
  • Nb of transactions: ~140k/month
  • Types of orgs: Remote companies, online communities, web3 organizations, DAOs
  • Use cases: Recognition, rewards, incentives, ambassador programs

Grant proposal:
We propose to you to build a light integration of CoW Protocol to Quidli by adding COW to our API and hosted app environment. This will enable you to seamlessly distribute COW tokens as rewards to the top active participants in your community directly in your Slack or Discord.
In addition to helping you internally share COW tokens within your ecosystem, this integration lets us offer COW to our user base of 1000+ organizations as an option via Quidli’s open token platform.

Grant Goals and Impact:
Once completed, $COW token will be available as an option on:

  1. Quidli web app
  2. Quidli Slack app
  3. Quidli Discord app
  4. Any subsequent integrations built by Quidli

Added values:

  • Gain new holders through Quidli token integration platform (+6000 actives users in 2022).
  • Increase community engagement and retain your top contributors, make them feel they are the most valuable asset by rewarding them and recognize their work.
  • Rely on community members referrals as your first source of acquisition and rewards them for their contribution.
  • Use Quidli metrics in order to better understand how to build a better community on Discord.

Milestones & Timeline:

Our immediate aims for adding $COW token to quidli ecosystem are:

  1. To enable CoW Protocol to use Quidli internally via Slack and external via Discord.
  2. To offer our existing user base $COW token as a micro-incentive option.

1st Milestone: first week
We review the necessary technical documentation (blockchain, smart contracts, token, etc.). If additional docs and or consultation is needed, we’ll contact you to get connected with the appropriate person/team for guidance.
Measurement of success: Green light from our team to move to the token integration step.

2nd Milestone: second week
Integration should be in place, and we start testing to ensure the new token is functional and usable within our environment. FYI, we will ask you to send some COW in order to perform these initial tests.
Measurement of success: Successfully integrated COW into Quidli’s micro on-ramp environment.

3rd Milestone: third week
Review the integration with CoW Protocol.
Create & publish PR announcing COW on Quidli as well as this initial partner with CoW Protocol.
Measurement of success: Validation of the deliverable by the CoW Protocol grant team.

Funding Request:
We’re asking for $3,000 (in $COW or xDAI) to kick off the integration work.

Budget Breakdown:
Milestone 1: 0% - 1 week duration
Milestone 2: 50% (1,500$) - 1 week duration
Milestone 3: 50% (1,500$) - 1 week duration

Total funding: 3,000$ in COW or xDAI
Total Timeline: 3 weeks

Gnosis Chain Address (to receive the grant):

Other Information:
You can have a look on all our use cases and demo on our GitBook: What is Quidli? - Quidli documentation

I met the CoW team during the Full Moon Party 2022 at dappcon berlin, no contacts since.

Terms and Conditions:
By submitting this grant application, I acknowledge and agree to be bound by the CoW DAO Participation Agreement and the CoW Grant Terms and Conditions


I just wanted to know if the CoW Protocol grant program was still active today?


Hey, yeah it’s still active even if right now people are AFK a lot as it’s the middle of the summer, there was EthCC also… so please be patient until CoW Grants committee members review your proposal and share their thoughts.

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Hi @Lukerio, yes, we’re very much active, though as @Chim9 alluded to, it’s been quite a busy time of the year for us. Though, no excuses…

In regards to your Grant Application, given the levels of activity on Discord, and the likelihood that this would lead to either community growth, or increased CoWs (co-incidence of wants), I don’t think that this grant is aligned with the needs of CoWDAO.

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I confirm what mfw78 said.

Thanks for your application. I’m actually not sure either if this is something we need, I don’t really see the need for something like that on our Discord, and the Slack is strictly used by the Cow Protocol team and given what I see myself on Gnosis’s Slack I don’t really see the need for that kind of integration.

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