Grant Application For Audit of ComposableCoW Smart contracts

Grant Title:

Grant Application For Audit of ComposableCoW Smart contracts



About You:

BD lead and grants committee member

Grant Category:

Protocol features

Grant Description:

This grant application serves as a technical continuation of the grant for composable conditional orders.

After receiving audit offers from four prominent audit firms, together with the Safe team it was decided to share the cost of the audit and recommend Ackee blockchain as auditor for the ComposableCoW and ExtensibleFallbackHandler contracts.

The audit offer is attached here.

Grant Goals and Impact:

Provide additional confidence in the security of the smart contracts in question, with the intention to use those contract in a production environment.


Since there are plans to add some extra code to the audit scope, which was not estimated in the original offer, I propose to set a budget ceiling above which a new grant proposal will need to be submitted.

Milestone Due Date Payment
Pre payment to reserve an audit slot ASAP 4000 DAI
Concluding payment after the audit results are ready to be published. July 25th Up to 7000 DAI

Funding Request:

The original offer specified a cost of $16k which was decided to split equally between CoW Swap and Safe. The additional scope will result in an additional audit hours and cost TBD.

Budget Breakdown:

Funds will be used to pay for a full audit week which will cover ComposableCoW and ExtensibleFallbackHandler.

!mainnet! Address (to receive the grant):

Ackee is accepting DAI payments on mainnet to the following address:

Terms and Conditions:

Include the following line in your grant application:

By submitting this grant application, I acknowledge and agree to be bound by the CoW DAO Participation Agreement and the CoW Grant Terms and Conditions.


I’m in favour of this grant and am signalling such.

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Audits are very important, I support this proposal.

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Grant proposal was approved on Sanpshot: here
And was executed on Ethereum here

The audit was completed successfully :tada:
Here’s the final audit report

Update about the audit cost
Miscommunication about the audit scope coverage led to us to ask for a secondary offer that will cover the full required smart contract scope. The renewed offer document (attached) a $24k payable out of which 8k was payed in advance.
Given the cost is split between the Safe team and Grants DAO, a new proposal will be submitted asking for a 8k DAI payment on mainnet to an address provided by Ackee in their payment request document.


I signal my intent to support a grant revising the budget for Grant Application For Audit of ComposableCoW Smart contracts.

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I concur with @mfw78, and signal my support

I’m supporting this revision of the grant cost for the audit, as well.

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