Grant Application: Open-Source Tool for Verifying MEV Blocker Transactions

Hello @middleway.eth !
I’m currently developing Milestone 2.
I’m facing issues with integrate again currently all optimization techniques I’ve used before (simulation introduced some new problems), but I’m sure that I will be able to make last commits to make it reviewable within today or tomorrow morning.

Currently we have a Milestone 3, which can be reviewed already.
About Milestone 3, I was thinking to make docker fully automatic (it’ll always install latest stable version from github of the project through docker compose), what do you think about this idea?

Project status Update:
Milestone 2 on-hold.
I’ve encountered a loop bug related to trace_callMany using CoW RPC mainnet, which I cannot resolve myself.
Tried to troubleshoot it in this two days, but at this moment I am not getting any more errors, logs, or tracebacks which could be helpful to resolve the issue.
Already tried to use Infura, which seemed to work okay.
Will mention the bug itself on discord.