I’m an experienced blockchain engineer and have been following the development of cowswap since dfusion.
Grant Category:
Other (Operation Automation)
Grant Description:
Develop small project responsible for automation of MEV Blocker Billing process.
Milestone 1:Submit the billing data for period on chain
Execute the relevant Dune queries (Fee per Block & Payment Due found in project linked below) for the prescribed billing period and retrieve the execution results.
Combine the query results and write the billing data to the MEVBlockerFeeTill contract by invoking its bill function.
This is to be containerized and run on a weekly schedule.
At some point after the billing date (and before the next), verify that the requested fees have been paid.
If not paid, invoke the draft function to deduct the fees from the builder’s bond.
Milestone 3 [Optional]:Professionalize query maintenance and transaction submission
Store and maintain the relevant queries in the project repo, whenever they are updated on main, the “Dune Query Updater” workflow is triggered to save the changes.
Instead of direct contract call from EOA, propose a Safe transaction along with an approval notification.
Funding Request:
Funding request summary: 4500 COW + (optional 2250 COW for Milestone 3) paid as 2250 COW per milestone.
Hey @cowanator and welcome to the cow forum! This proposal looks great and the code already linked for the first milestone appears to be in good shape.
Since you are new to the forum, I’m guessing you were capped by a limit of 2 URLS in your first post. There appears to be a copy of this very same proposal with other relevant references in this github gist on your profile.
Based on the account you’ve linked and its owners, you will likely also run into an issue creating the snapshot for this proposal. I’d be happy to create the snapshot for you if you’re interested. Just let me know!
This is great, we’ll add the corresponding payment to the upcoming Grants payment cycle. @cowanator we’d like to ask you to transfer the repository to cowdao-grants · GitHub, as a standard procedure with any software developed under CoW DAO’s Grants Program, thanks!
Hey that’s great news. I can transfer the repo, but have not yet completed Milestone 3 and might have some trouble editing the repo once moved. Is this something to be continued or would you like to see if done first?
Also it has come to my attention that there is an additional caveat, not mentioned in the original project description, that the drafting should be executed “with Role” through a safe module.
Originally, milestone 3 outlined some “bonus features” of the project (to Professionalize query maintenance and transaction submission). However,
“professionalize query management” was replaced with “slack notifications”
“propose a safe transaction” was replaced with an “execWithRole call to a zodiac module”
The first replacement being a slightly easier task and a must have while query mangement is takes should have priotiry.
The second replacement was much more involved and also a must have since an the draft and fine functions on MevBlockerFeeTill contract are restricted to onlyOwner which happens to be an m/n safe with m > 1 so an EOA can’t call it anyway.
Note that the need for this Zodiac module wasn’t mentioned in the original specification.
Anyway, all the contents for Milestone 3 are released under release tag v0.1.0 (forum wouldn’t allow me to post a link to the release).
Summary of Features Introduced in Milestone 3
Draft & Fine executable as Multisend through Zodiac Roles Modifier
Configurable Dynamically Evaluated Fines
Slack Notifications:
After Successfull Run of Billing and Drafting
On Insufficient Bonds after Drafting
Updated Instructions
Zodiac Role Modifier Installation
[DevOps] How to Configure Drafting
All that remains to add Query Management for which I would propose an optional 4th milestone.
Hi, thanks, can you please reach out on the Discord and we can co-ordinate repository transfer (and ensure that permissions are in place so that you can also maintain it).