Authors: Core Team
Status: Draft
Created: 2025-02-27 as continuation of Temp check (dated 2025-02-13)
This CIP is the seamless continuation of the CIP-Temp Check that was posted on 13th of February. The differences are the explicitly assigned mandates, triggered consequences if successfully passed and the attached incorporation documents, with the balance of powers as highlighted below.
All incorporation documents are currently in review with a local law firm. No major changes are expected to the herein shared version, else it will be highlighted in the thread.
Simple Summary
This proposal establishes a robust 4-entity legal structure for CoW DAO by incorporating a Cayman Islands Foundation and three British Virgin Islands (BVI) companies—CoW Core, CoW Hosting and CoW Business. The structure is designed to isolate and mitigate tax, regulatory, business, and liability risks while ensuring that all major decisions and operational mandates flow from CoW DAO’s governance mechanisms. The framework also sets out clear roles for directors, supervisors, secretaries, and service providers to create a balanced relationship between decentralized governance and day-to-day management.
With the successful passing of this CIP, the Service Providers will receive the mandate and community instructions for the incorporation of the below legal structure, on behalf of CoW DAO, with the mandates and split of activities set out below. It further triggers the termination of Defou’s mandate as Service Provider.
The one-time set-up costs are estimated of around $50’000 (+/- 10%) and first-year running costs of $130’000 (10 months). Following years running costs are estimated to be $180’000 (for the entire structure. Additional cost savings over the current setup are estimated at roughly $100’000 (mainly due to savings in offboarding of funds and payment providers).
Current Challenges:
- Risk Concentration: The current unincorporated model exposes core contributors and large token holders to significant tax, regulatory, and operational risks.
- Operational Limitations: The current unincorporated model limits CoW DAO’s ability to engage with institutional service providers and manage specialized operational functions efficiently.
Objectives of the Proposal:
- Risk Mitigation: Distribute revenue, operational functions, and liabilities among four distinct legal entities.
- Enhanced Credibility and Efficiency: Create entities with appropriate legal forms that can sign formal contracts and engage with traditional institutions and counterparts.
- Decentralized Oversight: Maintain unified DAO control over strategic decisions while granting directors the operational flexibility needed to manage day-to-day activities.
Entity Structure and Legal Form
0 CoW DAO (unwrapped DAO)
CoW DAO operates as an unincorporated organisation that is self-governed by its governance mechanism. This design maximizes decentralization and ensures that ultimate decision-making power—including the authority to direct, modify, or dissolve affiliated entities—remains with CoW DAO.
- Key Components:
- Governance + Delegation: CoW DAO sets strategic direction and approves mandates that are transmitted to the affiliated entities. The governance systems and settings, mechanisms and Delegation Program remain unincorporated.
- Settlement Contract & Tokenomics: CoW DAO’s settlement contract (core and fully decentralised part of the product) and tokenomics framework remain out of the scope of the legal structure (unwrapped).
- CoW DAO’s MultiSig: CoW DAO remains exclusive owner of the COW token supply which shall not be attributed to any of the newly created entities. The signer structure remains unaltered and unwrapped.
Changes going forward:
- Governance mechanisms will remain in place, unaltered, as they currently are;
- Through the incorporation documents (cf. below), CoW DAO (unwrapped) will remain the ultimate decision maker of the legal structure - with full flexibility to change, increase or decrease scopes mandated to the entities listed below
- CoW DAO grants power to “Delegated Committees” (cf. below) that in turn will be mandated by the legal entities to perform the functions and assignments as decided through governance
- CoW DAO improvement proposals that pass through governance, will be assigned, where required, to the right entity within the structure, if fitting with the mandated activities
- CoW DAO’s Participation Agreement (CIP-1) remains in full force.
- Delegated Committee means the committees or groups that have a mandate from CoW DAO to oversee specific functions within the legal structure. These committees include the existing Grants DAO Committee (CIP-63), Treasury Committee (CIP-62), and Legal Defense Committee (CIP-50), or any successor elected by a future CIP or newly formed committees mandated by CoW DAO.
- Where possible, assignments and mandates will be retroactive.
I CoW DAO Legal Representation – Cayman Company Foundation (“CoW Foundation”)
- Legal Form:
- A Cayman Islands Company Foundation that is shareholder-less and member-less.
- Key Characteristics:
- May generate treasury yield and receives profit generated from subsidiaries to be included in the treasury management mandate;
- Foundation allocates funding to all entities of the structure in order for them to pursue their respective activities.
- Activities & Mandates:
- Legal Interface: Acts as CoW DAO’s legal interface with the real world, formalising governance.
- Ecosystem Promotion: Promotes the CoW ecosystem and CoW DAO’s products
- Treasury Management: Manages financial assets on CoW DAO’s behalf through the already mandated community committee Treasury Committee, including activities as specified through CIP-62.
- Grants: Manages grants distributions either directly or through the existing dedicated community Grants DAO committee (CIP-63);
- Tasks allocation: The allocation of the tasks resulting from an approved CIP within the legal structure will be conducted by the Foundation in coordination with the Core Team.
- CIP-58 remains in full force and is assigned to the relevant new entities by the Foundation.
- Unconsumed funds from CIP-58 will be assigned to the Foundation, for the Service Provider to bill quarterly.
- Intellectual Property (“IP”) Ownership: unequivocally owns all Intellectual Property Rights originating from or related to the CoW DAO. This ownership is comprehensive and perpetual, extending to all IP Rights created or conceived at any time, including but not limited to, those IP Rights originating from the CoW DAO since its inception and pursuant to article 12 of the participation agreement, and all IP Rights created or conceived by the CoW DAO in the future.
- Operational CoW DAO Safe: Owns the Operational CoW DAO Safe (CIP-43), mandating the Core Team, together with the Operator, on the operationalisation of the mandate, including running the bounty program, funding ETH flow and other smart contracts.
- Legal protection of the CoW Ecosystem: With the migration of the Defense Reserve (CIP-50), the CoW Foundation will become the steward to the legal protection of the COW Protocol and contributors, taking the mandate under CIP-50.
- Solver Competition Rules: Contributes to the solver competition rules independently from solver team operations.
- Tool management and coordination mandate: The Foundation will be owner of most non-developer tooling, in order to allow for coordination amongst the different entities and various service providers.
- Community Management: With the ultimate goal to foster CoW DAO’s ecosystem, community management (and the related tools) will sit with the Foundation.
- Governance:
- The Foundation operates based on mandates issued by CoW DAO through governance mechanisms.
- CoW DAO ultimately retains the power to amend the Foundation’s mandate or dissolve it if necessary.
- Additional Mandate: The Core Team will coordinate the relations between the newly created legal structure, through the Foundation’s service providers and CoW DAO, including an ongoing communication directive that director and involved operators are kept up to date with CoW DAO’s decisions.
- Documentation
II Core Protocol Activities – CoW Core Limited (“CoW Core”)
- Legal Form:
- A BVI Company Limited by Guarantee.
- Key Characteristics:
- No shareholders are present; instead, the company has members whose liability is limited to a nominal guarantee ($1).
- The Cayman Foundation is the sole member and guarantor, ensuring that CoW DAO’s interests are fully represented.
- CoW Core operates based directly on mandates issued by CoW DAO through governance mechanisms.
- The Director of CoW Core is CoW Foundation.
- Activities & Mandates:
- Solver Operations Management: Oversees the technical and operational aspects of solver management, including vetting, onboarding, allow & deny lists and managing the solver bonding pool. Overseeing participant eligibility for CoW DAO’s bonding pool. Social consensus rules enforcement.
- Backend Infrastructure: Maintains critical functions such as the order book, autopilot features (incl. solver ranking) as well as managing the Reference Driver.
- Solver R&D: May research and develop solver-related technologies, either through internal services or outsourced, including running solvers.
- Infrastructure: CoW Core is mandated to own and update all critical development-focussed infrastructure.
- Analytics: CoW Core will provide analytics services, where needed.
- Documentation
III User Interface Activity – CoW Hosting Limited (“CoW Hosting”)
- Legal Form:
- A BVI Company Limited by Guarantee.
- Key Characteristics:
- No shareholders are present; instead, the company has members whose liability is limited to a nominal guarantee of $1.
- The Cayman Foundation is the sole member and guarantor, ensuring that CoW DAO’s interests are fully represented.
- CoW Hosting operates based directly on mandates issued by CoW DAO through the governance mechanism.
- Activities & Mandates:
- Hosting & Maintenance of the UI: Ensure stable and secure public-facing access to the protocol’s interface including CoW Widget. Owner of the domain.
- User Support: Provides user assistance and handles certain non-financial, user-facing tasks.
- Token List Management: Will be the manager of the token list and token-selection related topics.
- Documentation
IV Business Entity Activities – CoW Business Limited (“CoW Business”)
Legal Form:
- A BVI Limited Liability Company organized as a company limited by shares, and a subsidiary of CoW Foundation.
Key Characteristics:
- The Foundation is the sole shareholder of CoW Business.
- CoW Business operates based directly on mandates issued by CoW DAO through governance mechanisms.
Activities & Mandates:
- Protocol-Related Payments: Handle incoming and outgoing transactions (incl. solver reward calculation and distribution) and manage the payout Safe and protocol fee Safe. Operate MEVBlocker related payments.
- Payout Safe & Protocol Fee Safe: Manages safes for operational payouts and protocol fees.
- COW Token Buybacks: Executes market transactions for token buybacks (As per CIP-36 and CIP-48).
- Business Relationships: Enters into commercial partnerships for swap integration and MEV Blocker integration (and other business deals, where applicable), overseeing any broader business relationship, including marketing efforts.
- Fee Agreements: Negotiates and signs agreements on behalf of CoW DAO with partners regarding fee structures (based on CIP-61).
- CEX Listings & Market Making: Manages relationships with centralized exchanges and Market Makers.
- Solver operations: May operate solver-related technologies, either through internal services or outsourced, including running solvers.
- Protocol-Related Payments: Handle incoming and outgoing transactions (incl. solver reward calculation and distribution) and manage the payout Safe and protocol fee Safe. Operate MEVBlocker related payments.
Transition of Service Providers:
- This entity will assume and integrate activities formerly performed by Defou under CIP-59. The current mandate to Defou will be hereby terminated as its functions are fully transferred to CoW BusinessCo, which will assume and integrate the activities previously handled by Defou. Any existing agreements will be passed to CoW Business. Accumulated funds net of tax provisions will be donated to CoW Foundation.
Summary: Roles & Balance of Power
CoW DAO: An unincorporated, self-governed, on-chain entity. It autonomously manages its governance mechanisms, and tokenomics. CoW DAO gives mandate to the 4 legal entities to recognize and implement decisions, made through its established governance mechanism. To the extent permitted by law, CoW DAO has the power to give directions to each entity. CoW DAO may amend and may wind-down the whole legal structure, may remove and appoint the director of each entity as well as the supervisor of the Foundation.
Director: The person that has the power to conduct the affairs of the legal entity to which they are director and have the duty, to the extent permitted by law, to implement CoW DAO’s will on how to conduct the affairs of CoW DAO. The director, by its signature, gives legal effect to the activities of CoW DAO as mandated by CoW DAO. The director of the Foundation is a natural person. The director of each other entity is the Foundation as a legal person (corporate director).
- An independent director from Leeward Management Limited, based in the Cayman Islands, is proposed to oversee CoW Foundation. While appointing multiple directors may be beneficial in the future, the authority to make such changes resides with CoW DAO. CoW Foundation will be appointed corporate director of all other entities part of the structure.
Delegated Committee: the group of persons designated by CoW DAO through its established governance mechanism and appointed by the director of the concerned entity to conduct CoW DAO-related affairs on behalf of said entity.
Supervisor of the Foundation: The person overseeing the activities of the directors of the Foundation and the activities of the Foundation as a whole. May access records, call for reports, and ensure compliance with the Articles of Association. The supervisor has the authority to remove the director from their position if finds gross negligence. This supervisor can initiate investigations or actions independently, and they are also obligated to respond to concerns raised by any interested party. The role of supervisor is mandatory by law. Appointed and, if necessary, removed through CoW DAO governance mechanism
- Independent TraversThorpAlberga’s supervisor firm is proposed as the Supervisor for the Foundation. Means to contact the supervisor will be shared via the Foundation’s website.
Secretary of the Foundation: The person that conducts secretarial work for the Foundation including AML for the funds received by the Foundation. The secretary can be appointed and removed by the director. This role is mandatory by law.
- Leeward Management Limited is proposed to serve as the Secretary.
Service providers. The Foundation as well as the other 3 entities can use service providers to run part of their operations and answer specific needs. The mandate includes operational freedom to decide within their allocated budget. For now, the three main hereby proposed new Cayman-based service providers for the legal structure are:
- Leeward Management, offering the corporate services to the legal structures,
- With the successful passing of this CIP, Leeward Management Limited will be mandated to incorporate the 4 entities.
- TraversThorpAlberga as the law firm, and
- Lemma Solutions covering the operational needs of the legal structure:
- Execute the operational tasks related to the structure such as bookkeeping, transaction initiation, agreements discussion and support to the Director
- MutliSig creation and alignment on operations with the different committees.
Summary: Mandate Flow from CoW DAO to the New Entities
DAO Strategic Direction:
- CoW DAO sets the overarching strategic goals and specific mandates for each entity by means of governance mechanism. This is reflected in the mandate documentation within each entity’s incorporation documents.
- If any Service Provider requests a specific mandate or scope of work (for instance, through CoW DAO’s governance mechanism such as CIP-58), they are assigned to the appropriate structural entity, which then adopts their updated mandate.
- MultiSignature Wallet set-ups that were done on behalf of CoW DAO, will remain as they currently are. Wallet operators will receive this mandate from the director.
Delegated Committee:
- Already existing decision structures, namely Grant Committee (CIP-63), Treasury Committee (CIP-62) and Defense Reserve Committee (CIP-50) (“Delegated Committees”) remain empowered as is. The respective entity’s director delegates powers within the scope of the named CIP to said committees. The respective director may appoint new Delegated Committees upon CoW DAO’s prior approval and must do so if actively mandated and not against any laws.
Appointment and Removal Procedures:
- CoW DAO holds the authority to appoint or remove the Directors of each entity and to remove or appoint the Foundation’s supervisors, ensuring that the board remains aligned with DAO objectives.
Day-to-Day Operational Mandates:
- Directors have the operational freedom to manage day-to-day affairs, provided their actions adhere to CoW DAO’s mandates. The operational budget is set as outlined below.
- The operational budget is auto-renewed yearly - no need for CIP - and the director has the liberty to go over 10% on the budget and re-allocation between the entities. Any excess beyond the 10% buffer or increase of budget would require CoW DAO’s approval by way of CIP.
- New operational wallets of each entity will be owned by the respective entity and fully managed by director and operator.
CoW DAO’s decentralisation efforts on the mandates:
- In the event some parts of the protocol or any infrastructure become sufficiently decentralised, these parts, where possible, may be withdrawn from the mandate of the entity to which it has been allocated and moved back to CoW DAO. The relevant entity will propose and justify such change to the Foundation which will propose CoW DAO of such mandate modification via governance mechanism.
Winding Down
For the sake of completeness, the winding down chain is included here
- Wind-down process:
- Decision command:
- CoW Foundation: by governance mechanism
- CoW Core: by governance mechanism
- CoW Hosting: by Director and/or governance
- CoW Business: by Director and/or governance
- Asset Disposition:
- CoW Business: to the Foundation, which is the sole shareholder of the entity
- CoW Core and CoW Hosting: donated to the Foundation, as designed in the incorporation documents.
- CoW Foundation: Move financial assets to a DAO owned wallet as dictated by governance.
- Decision command:
By passing this CIP, CoW DAO authorizes the respective Director to wind down HostingCo and BusinessCo solely for the purpose of efficiently liquidating these entities in response to legal or regulatory requirements. This authority shall be strictly confined to such legal and regulatory obligations as outlined in the bylaws of these entities
If CoW DAO opts to wind down all entities simultaneously, it is advisable to proceed gradually, with the Foundation being the final entity to be dissolved. In this scenario, CoW DAO and its members acknowledge that tax, regulatory, and liability risks will revert to CoW DAO and affiliates. Wind-down costs are estimated to be similar to the setup costs (while there are no exit tax implications).
Cost (for entire structure)
- Setup: $50’000 (+/- 10%)
- 2025 Running Costs: $130’000
- Following Yearly Running Costs: $180’000
Above costs are gross and an additional of around $100’000 USD in cost savings relating to crypto-off-ramp and payment providers is expected yearly.
The cost for the setup is to be borne by the service provider under the mandate and budget allocated by CIP-58.
The yearly running costs will auto-renew unless withdrawn by CoW DAO (and the structure wound down), with the treasury committee mandated to transfer funds as needed and requested to the legal entities operating wallets (within the scope of the running cost budget). The director has a discretionary scope to go over 10% of this budget as well as re-allocate between the different entities.
Accountability and transparency
For the new structure, there will be a complete, regular transparency report for the community. Lemma will be assisting in creating one similar to Balancer for our community (cf. Forum Post and their Transparency report (Linked in Post)).
Any permanent increase in the budget needs to be approved by the governance mechanism.
Closing remark
While CoW DAO voters will mandate the incorporation, re-assign existing activities within the structure, it will also reside with CoW DAO voters to amend, expand or wind down this structure or parts thereof. It shall be noted that even in a fully decentralized product version of CoW Protocol, some real-world facing entities may continue to provide benefits as listed above.