CIP-5: Enable Swapping of vCOW to COW

Thanks @indiana. You raise lots of interesting points. I suspect that in order to prove that this is truly a community owned DAO everything has to be proposed and agreed upon by the community.

In regards to trading it’s more like a chicken and egg scenario. Trading $COW tokens is not possible unless it is redeemed (vCOW → $COW). Upon redemption there needs to be an underlying liquidity pool for traders to use if we want $COW to have any appreciable value. In order to facilitate this, we should encourage Liquidity Providers (LP) to take on risk providing the necessary liquidity (COW<>ETH/WETH/USDC Pools, etc) by compensating them with $COW tokens. This is why I suggested the following CIP to compensate LP’s in order to jump start this process.

People also want to see utility, which may drive demand for the token and incentivize trade. This is why the following two CIPs were raised. Please see:

I believe it is in the interest of the DAO to iron out these details prior to $COW redemption, to give it a good start.